In Memory of Robert Simon, 1914-2015

Creator of the first modern, post-war planned community in America died this week at 101 years old. He sold Carnegie Hall in 1961 and used that money to found Reston (his initials R.E.S. + the world “town”) on 27 km2 of land in Northern Virginia. He was a real inspiration. For decades he lived in Reston in the same building as my mother, in the heart of the community that he planned half a century ago. A notable piece of American urban planning history and a guy who will not be forgotten.

Reston, VA

Several years ago a bronze statue was designed and placed on a bench in the Lake Anne plaza to honor him. As of yesterday, it is adorned with flowers placed by friends and neighbors who loved him (pictured above).

I had the opportunity to meet this man a few times and was stunned by his kindness and humility.

NYT story commemorating his life and reporting his death: Robert E. Simon Jr., Who Created a Town, Reston, Va., Dies at 101

Reston, VA

Reston, VA

Robert E. Simon

September 23, 2015|

Song of the Day #184: Lackluster No.

Nova Heart – Lackluster No.

A single off the debut album of Beijing-based band Nova Heart which was released a few months ago in July. It comes with a visually interesting music video that is criminally under viewed on Youtube. I mentioned Nova Heart here in 2013, after serendipitously catching them at a local show and being impressed. They among the best bands that I have seen in China, but this is a song and album release that went under my radar. And almost everyone else’s, apparently.

September 21, 2015|
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