WTB: Flip Flops

12 hours ago I arrived in Miami and was picked up by Isaac and Sara. I was really beat after spending the entire day on airplanes, but I had a great time catching up with them and talking until late at night. It’s great to be back in South Beach – the weather is flawless and not like anything I’ve seen in 6 months. I was surprised to find that LA was much colder than I’d expected, but there’s nothing like that here. I need to find a new pair of flip flops here since I left my good pair in China.

At 2pm we’ll go to the Remix hotel, I think to catch Erics showcase. I saw a video of it online and it looks pretty inventive – it involves a drum machine and sequencer in addition to foot pedal and turntables. C2C is supposed to be there tomorrow, I’m really looking forward to that. Last night I saw the 2005 DMC World Supremacy DVD where Isaac got beat out by this Rafik-like guy who did the same routines over and over. I don’t know what it is with German turntablists and all the weird beeps and tones – I guess that’s really popular there.

Last night I had a slice of pizza larger than my head. We took a video of the first bite. It was delicious!

March 24, 2006|

Back in LA

I arrived a few hours ago. Haven’t met Eric yet, but I’m with Candyce and Melody listening to music and catching up. I’ve been up for almost 24 hours but I’m not feeling very tired. A few minutes ago I spent 5 minutes browsing through a gas station convenience store, just looking at everything. Culture shock!

March 21, 2006|
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