Lhasa, Tibet

I finally got booked in Tibet and I leave in a few days. I’ve already been warned by half a dozen people to watch out for the dramatic change in altitude, which is known to cause various health problems like chronic headaches and breathing difficulty. I can’t wait to check it out; it sounds like a tremendous adventure. The promoter is having us (Kim and Maria are dancing, Dave is doing his fire dance) arrive a few days before we even start performing to adjust to the conditions. I expect nothing short of a total blast.

My Mama called me tonight and when I told her the news she immediately told me what I must take the time to see while I’m there. Anyone else have a mother that starts telling you what you should see when you tell her you’re visiting Tibet? I can’t believe that she’s beaten me to places like Tibet when it’s so close to where I live. I don’t travel the world like she does (she’s going to Nicaragua next month), but I would mistakenly figure at least the whole of Western China to be my area of expertise. I am so proud.

Very shortly after returning from Lhasa for the trio of gigs I return to Chengdu to quickly make plans to go to Vietnam before returning to America for a month. Brendan and Julia are living and working in Hanoi – I heard that the position they’ve assumed at some travel agency is to post complimentary tidbits about their employer on travel forums all over the internet. Either way I have little doubt that it’ll be less than an eyeful of a country that I’ve never seen before in a very short period of time. It’ll be tricky arranging the timetable under the circumstances of having to return to western China by the 19th in a country where I can’t speak any of the language, but that’s no small part of the draw. After being in China for nearly 6 months since returning from my SE Asia trek, I’m ready to throw myself back onto the tourist trail.

Yesterday I found a fantastic song that I’ve been looking all over for. It sounds like it should be 40 years old, but actually it’s less than a year old. It’ll go on a special mix cd.

I’ve been eating a lot of melon seeds recently. My favorite are the green tea seeds introduced to me by Yaya. I’m collecting neat things to take back to USA with me.

February 26, 2006|

Coming Home

Today I bought roundtrip airfare from Chengdu to USA. I’ve been looking forward to going back to visit for months now, and now it seems much closer. I leave in exactly a month; on the 20th of March, and return a month later on 4/20. The first leg of my flight is from Chengdu to Beijing, and the second from Beijing to Los Angeles. I’ll arrive there and hang out for a few days before leaving for Miami for WMC 2006. Afterwards I’ll go north to DC and NYC for the remaining 20 days or so, returning to China from JFK in NYC for Beijing.

By the 20th of March it’ll have been… 439 days since I’ve been out of America. It’s been so long that it feels like a distant memory.

I’ll organize a party to catch up with my friends in DC very soon, I’ll send out an e-vite.

February 20, 2006|
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