Today I bought roundtrip airfare from Chengdu to USA. I’ve been looking forward to going back to visit for months now, and now it seems much closer. I leave in exactly a month; on the 20th of March, and return a month later on 4/20. The first leg of my flight is from Chengdu to Beijing, and the second from Beijing to Los Angeles. I’ll arrive there and hang out for a few days before leaving for Miami for WMC 2006. Afterwards I’ll go north to DC and NYC for the remaining 20 days or so, returning to China from JFK in NYC for Beijing.
By the 20th of March it’ll have been… 439 days since I’ve been out of America. It’s been so long that it feels like a distant memory.
I’ll organize a party to catch up with my friends in DC very soon, I’ll send out an e-vite.