I’m really excited about this.

Years after playing one of her drum & bass parties in Shanghai, Jane, DJ Siesta is coming to Chengdu to play at mine. We haven’t had a drum & bass headliner before and I believe there’s a bit of buzz about that fact alone. I’m not sure if everyone realizes that she’s a female or not – even though the flyer does include the line “China’s Drum & Bass Queen”. She’s unquestionably had a huge role in the emergence of drum & bass in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

And of course, I’m always excited about bringing new DJ’s to Chengdu and enjoying the feeling of seeing someone new. After years of relative musical isolation in Chengdu, that’s one of the things you really miss.

Enough chatter, here’s the flyer:

I’m considering doing a ticket giveaway contest like last week. I haven’t decided on the details though, yet.