US Consulate

Ah, the most frustrating place that I’ve yet found in Asia. In mid-March I applied for a new US passport because my old one was expiring. I paid $120 and was told to expect a call in about 10 business days. It’s past mid-May and still no call, so I decided to go to the consulate today to see if they’d made a mistake and I could pick it up. Oops, turns out it’s closed today. And tomorrow. And Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So I have a 90 minute window during which I have to be at the consulate. The US consulate is closed to Americans Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and local and American holidays. And on Tuesday and Thursday it’s open from 1:30-3pm. Consulate, my blog post is to tell you that you are living an utterly worthless existence.